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From - Group Italy's friends
Sicily in May?
Dear Friends, I want to go to Sicily for a short break in early may 2009, can someone recommend me some place's to stay, to taste and to see- Thanks, Jan
December 16, 2008

• Dear Jan, Sicily in May is wonderful...a joy of colours and sunshining. I've spent one week together with my wife and a couple of dutch friend of mine in the same period during this 2008 and we have been simply positively estonished and excited. My suggestion is to start via Catania Airport, where you can rent a car and than be able to travel totally indipendently. From Catania you can directly go to Taormina and may be spend a night there, eating on a terracce on the sea. There are many Hotels there and of course it depends from you, which kind of service level you would like to enjoy. In May however you should find enough choice. Simply research in google Hotels in Taormina .... After 1 or 2 days in this jewel, suggestion is to go to the Nebrodi side in the province of Messina. You can easily get to Messina via a nice Autostrada full of Oleandris flowers. If you want you can see the centre of Messina with a very nice Duomo, having the particularity of a splendid astronomic watch, that every hour moves an element that is a real artwork. From Messina you can proceed with some intermediate stops of your choice, to the Tirrenean Pearl "Capo d'Orlando". Intermediate stop not to miss is "Santuario del Tindari" with a splendid church and a century legend that you can discover there and a view on the sea that is unique. You can than spend an evening/night in Capo d'Orlando, where often in that seasons shops are open till late in the evening and singers are playing in the centre of the village. While visiting this surrounding,s it is not possible to miss a fresh fish dinner in the terracce of "La Perla" some 10 kms from Capo d'Orlando in Naso ( where you can enjoy the class of Isabella and her husband and drink a superior white sicilian wines (I suggest one of the whites of Mandrarossa). From this point on, you are in a splendid hills' surrounding. The best at this point in my opinion, should be to go to Castell'Umberto, the right place where to find peace and leasure. If interested and if lucky a very nice family location offering accomodation in a villa with small swimming pool, can probably be made available in Castell'Umberto (...let me know if interested). Have a look to the web site to choose (via the pictures) for your affinity...however don't miss a visit to the old centre of Castell'Umberto and ask where you can eat and buy the best "provola" (tipical sicilian cheese) and "carne di castrato", roasted meat ...unforgettable. Coming back to your sightseeing going down back to Capo d'Orlando take the autostrada and proceed in direction of Palermo to Santo Stefano di Camastra. Few hours for hand made souvenirs to bring home and than Cefalù, where again you can find all you look for ...good cooking, sea, shopping, hotels and golf if you like...You are than very close to Palermo. If you want to visit Palermo, I suggest to pre-book a guide via internet or via a travel agent, just because Palermo is a metropoli and as all big cities has nice and bad. Better than to be guided in the right places. On the way back stop for eating in the evening in a village called Caprileone by Antica Filanda, remember to reserve, often in spite of the crisis and of the costs of the high level restaurant, is always full ( Last day, while going back to Catania airport, deserves to be spent in the Etna area, where all is difficult to be described such are the beauties (possibly don't miss one or more red-wine cellars near Randazzo... are top).Sicilian people are very nice and warm. Only a minority speaks foreign languages but they will surely do their outmost to help you in whatever situation... Don't hesitate to contact me for further info and support. You can have my email, connecting with me in Linked In.Federico
December 24, 2008

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Jan Mol • Thanks for your information, I'm sure it will be a great trip
January 22, 2009

Follow Barbara
Barbara Barbieri • Mr. Mol, I'm really happy for your coming to visit Italy on next may. May is absolutely the right month for sicily because the weather is good and pleasant but not too hot so you can program a lot of excursions in different towns moving without problems. It's very difficult to underline you a sicily town or village because all this area is so beatiful and rich of culture and signs of ancient history ( in Agrigento you can find beatiful signs of ancinet Greece  ) at Noto, another Sicily town you can see wonderful monuments of baroque art expression and Taormina and Giardini Naxos are one of the most internationally known and beatiful turistic sites where you can enjoy sea, sun and gorgeous landscapes in very comfortable hotels  You will love and enjoy sicily my best regards Barbara Barbieri
March 12, 2009

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Jan Mol • Dear Barbara, Thnx for the information, I'm coming from the 28th till the 5th of may and I hope to see, feel and eat Sicily the whole week, Kind regards, Jan PS feel free to link

The Clue is in Sicily
Sicily – a land of superlatives, contradictions, and myths ofSirens and Cyclops. Centuries of conquests and defeats have left layers of complex cuisines, piling up like a big fat lasagna. Her art stretches from prehistoric caves drawings, to bad-boy Caravaggios, to colorful puppets.
As one native Sicilian friend recently told me, “Sicily is the keystone to Italy.You must go to Sicily to understand Italy.”In 1787, Goethe did not mince words, “To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all. For Sicily is the clue to everything.”
What is the clue?I don’t think it’s her art or cuisine. The Renaissance – the masters of art and science – was birthed in Tuscany.And the gastronomy of each region rivals the next as well as their wines.I think the clue could be the Italian intensity for life that is so strongly felt in Sicily, and moves up the boot to Naples and into Rome.It is the can-do flame that ignites curiosity and imagination.
As Francine Prose deduces in her wonderful book, Sicilian Odyssey, “…one quality that seems dependable, immutable, endlessly available, I’d say that is was intensity.For nothing in Sicily seems withheld, done halfway, restrained or suppressed.”To expand -they live their life on their sleeve – no

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